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Bear Spray is proven to be the most effective deterrent to an attack when used correctly. Manufacturing Excellence & Guaranteed heat in every canister. HPLC - high performance liquid chromatography in house laboratory to scientifically measure to ensure consistent heat in each canister. Contains 1.84% Total Capsaicinoids (1.0% Capsaicin plus 0.84% Related Capsaicinoids). Greater ProtectionDual propellant system extends fog pattern giving you greatest distance between you and a bear . Proven - Field tested and proven effective. Environment and Bears - Contains humane ingredients with zero ozone depletion potential. Quality - HPLC guarantee and ISO 9001:2008 Certification backed by three decades of experience in the industry. The Frontiersman and Sabre brands are used used by Police Agencies, Municipalities, National Police agencies and military in various places around the world.
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